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Title: Translating and post-editing in the Portuguese-Chinese language pair
Authors: Silva, Igor
Schmaltz, Márcia
Alves, Fábio
Pagano, Adriana
Wong, Derek
Chao, Lídia
Leal, Ana
Quaresma, Paulo
Garcia, Caio
Editors: Alves, Fábio
Albir, Amparo
Lacruz, Isabel
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: John Benjamins
Abstract: This paper reports an exploratory study of the impact of post-editing and translation task execution in the Portuguese-Chinese language pair as performed by professional translators. Eye-tracking and key-logging data were used to assess temporal, technical and cognitive measures related to the understanding of two Portuguese source texts and the production of two Chinese target texts. The results point to no impact of task type on overall temporal effort, but indicate an impact on the cognitive effort related to source-text...
Type: article
Appears in Collections:INF - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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